Lure of Slowness, Hydrological Rhythms
Lure of Slowness is an interactive, audio visual, augmented reality experience. It deals with ecological past, present and imagined futures.

In collaboration with Elly Vadseth.
An experiential app designed for audiovisual exploration of multispecies time and emerging choreographies. Exploring different environments, a wet world emerges narrating interconnected hydrological rhythms and geologic time. Co-create re-enchanted paths while meditating through movement on possible adaptation and futures. This meditation fuses emerging technology and hydrological research unravelling virtual traces of embodied climate exploration manifesting in multiple sites and geographies. Reimagine human and non-human journeys through positional audio, sight, and interaction with place.
AR Application:
The application Lure of Slowness is designed as a portal for sensing multispecies time through matter ruminating on emerging choreographies.
Download Lure of Slowness:
More information available on the Lure of Slowness Website.
Please get in touch if you have any issues trying the interactive application.
Supported kindly by KORO and Viken Filmsenter.